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Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN400-16"
Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN450-18"
Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN500-20"
Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN600-24"
Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing- UNI - DIN - Afnor - ISO standards
Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing ISO PN 20-50-100 standard
Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing ANSI B16.5 standard
Say Hello to the Power Pipe
The Power-Pipe® is simple and effective because of a basic physical principle: The falling film.
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Thermodynamic properties of water and steam
Термодинамични свойства на вода и водна пара в състояние на насищане
Air Properties
НАЛЯГАНЕ - преобразувател на мерни единици
Stainless Steel Standards
Properties of saturated or superheated steam
Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing- UNI - DIN - Afnor - ISO standards
Mass per unit volume of water
Мерни единици за радиоактивност и йонизация
Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN80-3"
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