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# Article Title Hits
1 Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing ANSI B16.5 standard 29672
2 Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing ISO PN 20-50-100 standard 10484
3 Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing- UNI - DIN - Afnor - ISO standards 33172
4 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN600-24" 22205
5 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN500-20" 22988
6 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN450-18" 23705
7 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN400-16" 23544
8 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN350-14" 14614
9 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN300-12" 18815
10 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN250-10" 13883
11 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN200-8" 20640
12 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN175-7" 12005
13 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN150-6" 16251
14 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN125-5" 13122
15 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN100-4" 17828
16 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN80-3" 29947
17 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN65-2½" 14198
18 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN50-2" 19582
19 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN40-1½" 14188
20 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN32-1¼" 19862
21 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN25-1" 15292
22 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN20-¾" 13045
23 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN15-½" 12600
24 Dimensions of the steel Flanges DN10-⅜" 12100
25 Glossary 14147
26 CODATA Key Values for Thermodynamics 10139
27 Fundamental Physical Constants 10208
28 Термодинамични свойства на вода и водна пара в състояние на насищане 50345
29 Stainless Steel Standards 38306
30 Производни мерни единици 14507
31 Коефициенти за преизчисляване от един състав на горивото в друг 9706
32 Хладилни агенти 17054
33 Air Properties 47476
34 Arithmetic and Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference : Register to read more... 7508