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Fundamental Physical Constants --- Complete Listing

Quantity Value Uncertainty Unit
{220} lattice spacing of silicon 1,920155762 E-10 5,0 E-18 m
alpha particle-electron mass ratio 7,2942995365 E+03 3,1 E-06  
alpha particle mass 6,6446562 E-27 3,3 E-34 kg
alpha particle mass energy equivalent 5,97191917 E-10 3,0 E-17 J
alpha particle mass energy equivalent in MeV 3,727379109 E+03 9,3 E-05 MeV
alpha particle mass in u 4,001506179127 6,2 E-11 u
alpha particle molar mass 4,001506179127 E-03 6,2 E-14 kg mol-1
alpha particle-proton mass ratio 3,97259968951 E+00 4,1 E-10  
Angstrom star 1,00001498 E-10 9,0 E-17 m
atomic mass constant 1,660538782 E-27 8,3 E-35 kg
atomic mass constant energy equivalent 1,49241783 E-10 7,4 E-18 J
atomic mass constant energy equivalent in MeV 9,31494028 E+02 2,3 E-05 MeV
atomic mass unit-electron volt relationship 9,31494028 E+08 2,3 E+01 eV
atomic mass unit-hartree relationship 3,4231777149 E+07 4,9 E-02 E_h
atomic mass unit-hertz relationship 2,2523427369 E+23 3,2 E+14 Hz
atomic mass unit-inverse meter relationship 7,513006671 E+14 1,1 E+06 m-1
atomic mass unit-joule relationship 1,49241783 E-10 7,4 E-18 J
atomic mass unit-kelvin relationship 1,0809527 E+13 1,9 E+07 K
atomic mass unit-kilogram relationship 1,660538782 E-27 8,3 E-35 kg
atomic unit of 1st hyperpolarizablity 3,206361533 E-53 8,1 E-61 C³ m³ J-2
atomic unit of 2nd hyperpolarizablity 6,23538095 E-65 3,1 E-72 C4 m4 J-3
atomic unit of action 1,054571628 E-34 5,3 E-42 J s
atomic unit of charge 1,602176487 E-19 4,0 E-27 C
atomic unit of charge density 1,0812023 E+12 2,7 E+04 C m-3
atomic unit of current 6,62361763 E-03 1,7 E-10 A
atomic unit of electric dipole mom. 8,47835281 E-30 2,1 E-37 C m
atomic unit of electric field 5,14220632 E+11 1,3 E+04 V m-1
atomic unit of electric field gradient 9,71736166 E+21 2,4 E+14 V m-2
atomic unit of electric polarizablity 1,6487772536 E-41 3,4 E-50 C² m² J-1
atomic unit of electric potential 2,721138386 E+01 6,8 E-07 V
atomic unit of electric quadrupole mom. 4,48655107 E-40 1,1 E-47 C m²
atomic unit of energy 4,35974394 E-18 2,2 E-25 J
atomic unit of force 8,23872206 E-08 4,1 E-15 N
atomic unit of length 5,2917720859 E-11 3,6 E-20 m
atomic unit of mag. dipole mom. 1,85480183 E-23 4,6 E-31 J T-1
atomic unit of mag. flux density 2,350517382 E+05 5,9 E-03 T
atomic unit of magnetizability 7,891036433 E-29 2,7 E-37 J T-2
atomic unit of mass 9,10938215 E-31 4,5 E-38 kg
atomic unit of momentum 1,992851565 E-24 9,9 E-32 kg m s-1
atomic unit of permittivity 1,112650056 E-10 0,0 F m-1
atomic unit of time 2,418884326505 E-17 1,6 E-28 s
atomic unit of velocity 2,1876912541 E+06 1,5 E-03 m s-1
Avogadro constant 6,02214179 E+23 3,0 E+16 mol-1
Bohr magneton 9,27400915 E-24 2,3 E-31 J T-1
Bohr magneton in eV/T 5,7883817555 E-05 7,9 E-14 eV T-1
Bohr magneton in Hz/T 1,399624604 E+10 3,5 E+02 Hz T-1
Bohr magneton in inverse meters per tesla 4,66864515 E+01 1,2 E-06 m-1 T-1
Bohr magneton in K/T 6,717131 E-01 1,2 E-06 K T-1
Bohr radius 5,2917720859 E-11 3,6 E-20 m
Boltzmann constant 1,3806504 E-23 2,4 E-29 J K-1
Boltzmann constant in eV/K 8,617343 E-05 1,5 E-10 eV K-1
Boltzmann constant in Hz/K 2,0836644 E+10 3,6 E+04 Hz K-1
Boltzmann constant in inverse meters per kelvin 6,950356 E+01 1,2 E-04 m-1 K-1
characteristic impedance of vacuum 3,76730313461 E+02 0,0 ohm
classical electron radius 2,8179402894 E-15 5,8 E-24 m
Compton wavelength 2,4263102175 E-12 3,3 E-21 m
Compton wavelength over 2 pi 3,8615926459 E-13 5,3 E-22 m
conductance quantum 7,7480917004 E-05 5,3 E-14 S
conventional value of Josephson constant 4,835979 E+14 0,0 Hz V-1
conventional value of von Klitzing constant 2,5812807 E+04 0,0 ohm
Cu x unit 1,00207699 E-13 2,8 E-20 m
deuteron-electron mag. mom. ratio -4,664345537 E-04 3,9 E-12  
deuteron-electron mass ratio 3,6704829654 E+03 1,6 E-06  
deuteron g factor 8,574382308 E-01 7,2 E-09  
deuteron mag. mom. 4,33073465 E-27 1,1 E-34 J T-1
deuteron mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio 4,669754556 E-04 3,9 E-12  
deuteron mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio 8,574382308 E-01 7,2 E-09  
deuteron mass 3,3435832 E-27 1,7 E-34 kg
deuteron mass energy equivalent 3,00506272 E-10 1,5 E-17 J
deuteron mass energy equivalent in MeV 1,875612793 E+03 4,7 E-05 MeV
deuteron mass in u 2,013553212724 7,8 E-11 u
deuteron molar mass 2,013553212724 E-03 7,8 E-14 kg mol-1
deuteron-neutron mag. mom. ratio -4,4820652 E-01 1,1 E-07  
deuteron-proton mag. mom. ratio 3,07012207 E-01 2,4 E-09  
deuteron-proton mass ratio 1,99900750108 2,2 E-10  
deuteron rms charge radius 2,1402 E-15 2,8 E-18 m
electric constant 8,854187817 E-12 0,0 F m-1
electron charge to mass quotient -1,75882015 E+11 4,4 E+03 C kg-1
electron-deuteron mag. mom. ratio -2,143923498 E+03 1,8 E-05  
electron-deuteron mass ratio 2,7244371093 E-04 1,2 E-13  
electron g factor -2,0023193043622 1,5 E-12  
electron gyromag. ratio 1,76085977 E+11 4,4 E+03 s-1 T-1
electron gyromag. ratio over 2 pi 2,802495364 E+04 7,0 E-04 MHz T-1
electron mag. mom. -9,28476377 E-24 2,3 E-31 J T-1
electron mag. mom. anomaly 1,15965218111 E-03 7,4 E-13  
electron mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio -1,0011596521811 7,4 E-13  
electron mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio -1,83828197092 E+03 8,0 E-07  
electron mass 9,10938215 E-31 4,5 E-38 kg
electron mass energy equivalent 8,18710438 E-14 4,1 E-21 J
electron mass energy equivalent in MeV 5,1099891 E-01 1,3 E-08 MeV
electron mass in u 5,4857990943 E-04 2,3 E-13 u
electron molar mass 5,4857990943 E-07 2,3 E-16 kg mol-1
electron-muon mag. mom. ratio 2,067669877 E+02 5,2 E-06  
electron-muon mass ratio 4,83633171 E-03 1,2 E-10  
electron-neutron mag. mom. ratio 9,609205 E+02 2,3 E-04  
electron-neutron mass ratio 5,4386734459 E-04 3,3 E-13  
electron-proton mag. mom. ratio -6,582106848 E+02 5,4 E-06  
electron-proton mass ratio 5,4461702177 E-04 2,4 E-13  
electron-tau mass ratio 2,87564 E-04 4,7 E-08  
electron to alpha particle mass ratio 1,3709335557 E-04 5,8 E-14  
electron to shielded helion mag. mom. ratio 8,64058257 E+02 1,0 E-05  
electron to shielded proton mag. mom. ratio -6,582275971 E+02 7,2 E-06  
electron volt 1,602176487 E-19 4,0 E-27 J
electron volt-atomic mass unit relationship 1,073544188 E-09 2,7 E-17 u
electron volt-hartree relationship 3,67493254 E-02 9,2 E-10 E_h
electron volt-hertz relationship 2,417989454 E+14 6,0 E+06 Hz
electron volt-inverse meter relationship 8,06554465 E+05 2,0 E-02 m-1
electron volt-joule relationship 1,602176487 E-19 4,0 E-27 J
electron volt-kelvin relationship 1,1604505 E+04 2,0 E-02 K
electron volt-kilogram relationship 1,782661758 E-36 4,4 E-44 kg
elementary charge 1,602176487 E-19 4,0 E-27 C
elementary charge over h 2,417989454 E+14 6,0 E+06 A J-1
Faraday constant 9,64853399 E+04 2,4 E-03 C mol-1
Faraday constant for conventional electric current 9,64853401 E+04 4,8 E-03 C_90 mol-1
Fermi coupling constant 1,16637 E-05 1,0 E-10 GeV-2
fine-structure constant 7,2973525376 E-03 5,0 E-12  
first radiation constant 3,74177118 E-16 1,9 E-23 W m²
first radiation constant for spectral radiance 1,191042759 E-16 5,9 E-24 W m² sr-1
hartree-atomic mass unit relationship 2,9212622986 E-08 4,2 E-17 u
hartree-electron volt relationship 2,721138386 E+01 6,8 E-07 eV
Hartree energy 4,35974394 E-18 2,2 E-25 J
Hartree energy in eV 2,721138386 E+01 6,8 E-07 eV
hartree-hertz relationship 6,579683920722 E+15 4,4 E+04 Hz
hartree-inverse meter relationship 2,194746313705 E+07 1,5 E-04 m-1
hartree-joule relationship 4,35974394 E-18 2,2 E-25 J
hartree-kelvin relationship 3,1577465 E+05 5,5 E-01 K
hartree-kilogram relationship 4,85086934 E-35 2,4 E-42 kg
helion-electron mass ratio 5,4958852765 E+03 5,2 E-06  
helion mass 5,00641192 E-27 2,5 E-34 kg
helion mass energy equivalent 4,49953864 E-10 2,2 E-17 J
helion mass energy equivalent in MeV 2,808391383 E+03 7,0 E-05 MeV
helion mass in u 3,0149322473 2,6 E-09 u
helion molar mass 3,0149322473 E-03 2,6 E-12 kg mol-1
helion-proton mass ratio 2,9931526713 2,6 E-09  
hertz-atomic mass unit relationship 4,4398216294 E-24 6,4 E-33 u
hertz-electron volt relationship 4,13566733 E-15 1,0 E-22 eV
hertz-hartree relationship 1,519829846006 E-16 1,0 E-27 E_h
hertz-inverse meter relationship 3,335640951 E-09 0,0
hertz-joule relationship 6,62606896 E-34 3,3 E-41 J
hertz-kelvin relationship 4,7992374 E-11 8,4 E-17 K
hertz-kilogram relationship 7,372496 E-51 3,7 E-58 kg
inverse fine-structure constant 1,37035999679 E+02 9,4 E-08  
inverse meter-atomic mass unit relationship 1,3310250394 E-15 1,9 E-24 u
inverse meter-electron volt relationship 1,239841875 E-06 3,1 E-14 eV
inverse meter-hartree relationship 4,55633525276 E-08 3,0 E-19 E_h
inverse meter-hertz relationship 2,99792458 E+08 0,0
inverse meter-joule relationship 1,986445501 E-25 9,9 E-33 J
inverse meter-kelvin relationship 1,4387752 E-02 2,5 E-08 K
inverse meter-kilogram relationship 2,2102187 E-42 1,1 E-49 kg
inverse of conductance quantum 1,29064037787 E+04 8,8 E-06 ohm
Josephson constant 4,83597891 E+14 1,2 E+07 Hz V-1
joule-atomic mass unit relationship 6,70053641 E+09 3,3 E+02 u
joule-electron volt relationship 6,24150965 E+18 1,6 E+11 eV
joule-hartree relationship 2,29371269 E+17 1,1 E+10 E_h
joule-hertz relationship 1,50919045 E+33 7,5 E+25 Hz
joule-inverse meter relationship 5,03411747 E+24 2,5 E+17 m-1
joule-kelvin relationship 7,242963 E+22 1,3 E+17 K
joule-kilogram relationship 1,112650056 E-17 0,0
kelvin-atomic mass unit relationship 9,251098 E-14 1,6 E-19 u
kelvin-electron volt relationship 8,617343 E-05 1,5 E-10 eV
kelvin-hartree relationship 3,1668153 E-06 5,5 E-12 E_h
kelvin-hertz relationship 2,0836644 E+10 3,6 E+04 Hz
kelvin-inverse meter relationship 6,950356 E+01 1,2 E-04 m-1
kelvin-joule relationship 1,3806504 E-23 2,4 E-29 J
kelvin-kilogram relationship 1,5361807 E-40 2,7 E-46 kg
kilogram-atomic mass unit relationship 6,02214179 E+26 3,0 E+19 u
kilogram-electron volt relationship 5,60958912 E+35 1,4 E+28 eV
kilogram-hartree relationship 2,06148616 E+34 1,0 E+27 E_h
kilogram-hertz relationship 1,356392733 E+50 6,8 E+42 Hz
kilogram-inverse meter relationship 4,52443915 E+41 2,3 E+34 m-1
kilogram-joule relationship 8,987551787 E+16 0,0
kilogram-kelvin relationship 6,509651 E+39 1,1 E+34 K
lattice parameter of silicon 5,43102064 E-10 1,4 E-17 m
Loschmidt constant (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa) 2,6867774 E+25 4,7 E+19 m-3
mag. constant 1,2566370614 E-06 0,0
N A-2
mag. flux quantum 2,067833667 E-15 5,2 E-23 Wb
molar gas constant 8,314472 1,5 E-05 J mol-1 K-1
molar mass constant 1,0 E-03 0,0
kg mol-1
molar mass of carbon-12 1,2 E-02 0,0
kg mol-1
molar Planck constant 3,9903126821 E-10 5,7 E-19 J s mol-1
molar Planck constant times c 1,1962656472 E-01 1,7 E-10 J m mol-1
molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 100 kPa) 2,2710981 E-02 4,0 E-08 m³ mol-1
molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa) 2,2413996 E-02 3,9 E-08 m³ mol-1
molar volume of silicon 1,20588349 E-05 1,1 E-12 m³ mol-1
Mo x unit 1,00209955 E-13 5,3 E-20 m
muon Compton wavelength 1,173444104 E-14 3,0 E-22 m
muon Compton wavelength over 2 pi 1,867594295 E-15 4,7 E-23 m
muon-electron mass ratio 2,067682823 E+02 5,2 E-06  
muon g factor -2,0023318414 1,2 E-09  
muon mag. mom. -4,49044786 E-26 1,6 E-33 J T-1
muon mag. mom. anomaly 1,16592069 E-03 6,0 E-10  
muon mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio -4,84197049 E-03 1,2 E-10  
muon mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio -8,89059705 2,3 E-07  
muon mass 1,8835313 E-28 1,1 E-35 kg
muon mass energy equivalent 1,69283351 E-11 9,5 E-19 J
muon mass energy equivalent in MeV 1,056583668 E+02 3,8 E-06 MeV
muon mass in u 1,134289256 E-01 2,9 E-09 u
muon molar mass 1,134289256 E-04 2,9 E-12 kg mol-1
muon-neutron mass ratio 1,124545167 E-01 2,9 E-09  
muon-proton mag. mom. ratio -3,183345137 8,5 E-08  
muon-proton mass ratio 1,126095261 E-01 2,9 E-09  
muon-tau mass ratio 5,94592 E-02 9,7 E-06  
natural unit of action 1,054571628 E-34 5,3 E-42 J s
natural unit of action in eV s 6,58211899 E-16 1,6 E-23 eV s
natural unit of energy 8,18710438 E-14 4,1 E-21 J
natural unit of energy in MeV 5,1099891 E-01 1,3 E-08 MeV
natural unit of length 3,8615926459 E-13 5,3 E-22 m
natural unit of mass 9,10938215 E-31 4,5 E-38 kg
natural unit of momentum 2,73092406 E-22 1,4 E-29 kg m s-1
natural unit of momentum in MeV/c 5,1099891 E-01 1,3 E-08 MeV/c
natural unit of time 1,288088657 E-21 1,8 E-30 s
natural unit of velocity 2,99792458 E+08 0,0
m s-1
neutron Compton wavelength 1,3195908951 E-15 2,0 E-24 m
neutron Compton wavelength over 2 pi 2,1001941382 E-16 3,1 E-25 m
neutron-electron mag. mom. ratio 1,04066882 E-03 2,5 E-10  
neutron-electron mass ratio 1,8386836605 E+03 1,1 E-06  
neutron g factor -3,82608545 9,0 E-07  
neutron gyromag. ratio 1,83247185 E+08 4,3 E+01 s-1 T-1
neutron gyromag. ratio over 2 pi 2,91646954 E+01 6,9 E-06 MHz T-1
neutron mag. mom. -9,6623641 E-27 2,3 E-33 J T-1
neutron mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio -1,04187563 E-03 2,5 E-10  
neutron mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio -1,91304273
4,5 E-07  
neutron mass 1,674927211 E-27 8,4 E-35 kg
neutron mass energy equivalent 1,505349505 E-10 7,5 E-18 J
neutron mass energy equivalent in MeV 9,39565346 E+02 2,3 E-05 MeV
neutron mass in u 1,00866491597
4,3 E-10 u
neutron molar mass 1,00866491597 E-03 4,3 E-13 kg mol^-1
neutron-muon mass ratio 8,89248409
2,3 E-07  
neutron-proton mag. mom. ratio -6,8497934 E-01 1,6 E-07  
neutron-proton mass ratio 1,00137841918 4,6 E-10  
neutron-tau mass ratio 5,2874 E-01 8,6 E-05  
neutron to shielded proton mag. mom. ratio -6,8499694 E-01 1,6 E-07  
Newtonian constant of gravitation 6,67428 E-11 6,7 E-15 m³ kg-1 s-2
Newtonian constant of gravitation over h-bar c 6,70881 E-39 6,7 E-43 (GeV/c²)-2
nuclear magneton 5,05078324 E-27 1,3 E-34 J T-1
nuclear magneton in eV/T 3,1524512326 E-08 4,5 E-17 eV T-1
nuclear magneton in inverse meters per tesla 2,542623616 E-02 6,4 E-10 m-1 T-1
nuclear magneton in K/T 3,6582637 E-04 6,4 E-10 K T-1
nuclear magneton in MHz/T 7,62259384 1,9 E-07 MHz T-1
Planck constant 6,62606896 E-34 3,3 E-41 J s
Planck constant in eV s 4,13566733 E-15 1,0 E-22 eV s
Planck constant over 2 pi 1,054571628 E-34 5,3 E-42 J s
Planck constant over 2 pi in eV s 6,58211899 E-16 1,6 E-23 eV s
Planck constant over 2 pi times c in MeV fm 1,973269631 E+02 4,9 E-06 MeV fm
Planck length 1,616252 E-35 8,1 E-40 m
Planck mass 2,17644 E-08 1,1 E-12 kg
Planck mass energy equivalent in GeV 1,220892 E+19 6,1 E+14 GeV
Planck temperature 1,416785 E+32 7,1 E+27 K
Planck time 5,39124 E-44 2,7 E-48 s
proton charge to mass quotient 9,57883392 E+07 2,4 E+00 C kg-1
proton Compton wavelength 1,3214098446 E-15 1,9 E-24 m
proton Compton wavelength over 2 pi 2,1030890861 E-16 3,0 E-25 m
proton-electron mass ratio 1,83615267247 E+03 8,0 E-07  
proton g factor 5,585694713 4,6 E-08  
proton gyromag. ratio 2,675222099 E+08 7,0 E+00 s-1 T-1
proton gyromag. ratio over 2 pi 4,25774821 E+01 1,1 E-06 MHz T-1
proton mag. mom. 1,410606662 E-26 3,7 E-34 J T-1
proton mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio 1,521032209 E-03 1,2 E-11  
proton mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio 2,792847356 2,3 E-08  
proton mag. shielding correction 2,5694 E-05 1,4 E-08  
proton mass 1,672621637 E-27 8,3 E-35 kg
proton mass energy equivalent 1,503277359 E-10 7,5 E-18 J
proton mass energy equivalent in MeV 9,38272013 E+02 2,3 E-05 MeV
proton mass in u 1,00727646677 1,0 E-10 u
proton molar mass 1,00727646677 E-03 1,0 E-13 kg mol-1
proton-muon mass ratio 8,88024339 2,3 E-07  
proton-neutron mag. mom. ratio -1,45989806 3,4 E-07  
proton-neutron mass ratio 9,9862347824 E-01 4,6 E-10  
proton rms charge radius 8,768 E-16 6,9 E-18 m
proton-tau mass ratio 5,28012 E-01 8,6 E-05  
quantum of circulation 3,6369475199 E-04 5,0 E-13 m² s-1
quantum of circulation times 2 7,27389504 E-04 1,0 E-12 m² s-1
Rydberg constant 1,0973731568527 E+07 7,3 E-05 m-1
Rydberg constant times c in Hz 3,289841960361 E+15 2,2 E+04 Hz
Rydberg constant times hc in eV 1,360569193 E+01 3,4 E-07 eV
Rydberg constant times hc in J 2,17987197 E-18 1,1 E-25 J
Sackur-Tetrode constant (1 K, 100 kPa) -1,1517047 4,4 E-06  
Sackur-Tetrode constant (1 K, 101.325 kPa) -1,1648677 4,4 E-06  
second radiation constant 1,4387752 E-02 2,5 E-08 m K
shielded helion gyromag. ratio 2,03789473 E+08 5,6 E+00 s-1 T-1
shielded helion gyromag. ratio over 2 pi 3,243410198 E+01 9,0 E-07 MHz T-1
shielded helion mag. mom. -1,074552982 E-26 3,0 E-34 J T-1
shielded helion mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio -1,158671471 E-03 1,4 E-11  
shielded helion mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio -2,127497718 2,5 E-08  
shielded helion to proton mag. mom. ratio -7,61766558 E-01 1,1 E-08  
shielded helion to shielded proton mag. mom. ratio -7,617861313 E-01 3,3 E-09  
shielded proton gyromag. ratio 2,675153362 E+08 7,3 E+00 s-1 T-1
shielded proton gyromag. ratio over 2 pi 4,25763881 E+01 1,2 E-06 MHz T-1
shielded proton mag. mom. 1,410570419 E-26 3,8 E-34 J T-1
shielded proton mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio 1,520993128 E-03 1,7 E-11  
shielded proton mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio 2,792775598 3,0 E-08  
speed of light in vacuum 2,99792458 E+08 0,0 m s-1
standard acceleration of gravity 9,80665
0,0 m s-2
standard atmosphere 1,01325 E+05 0,0 Pa
Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5,6704 E-08 4,0 E-13 W m-2 K-4
tau Compton wavelength 6,9772 E-16 1,1 E-19 m
tau Compton wavelength over 2 pi 1,11046 E-16 1,8 E-20 m
tau-electron mass ratio 3,47748 E+03 5,7 E-01  
tau mass 3,16777 E-27 5,2 E-31 kg
tau mass energy equivalent 2,84705 E-10 4,6 E-14 J
tau mass energy equivalent in MeV 1,77699 E+03 2,9 E-01 MeV
tau mass in u 1,90768 3,1 E-04 u
tau molar mass 1,90768 E-03 3,1 E-07 kg mol-1
tau-muon mass ratio 1,68183 E+01 2,7 E-03  
tau-neutron mass ratio 1,89129 3,1 E-04  
tau-proton mass ratio 1,8939 3,1 E-04  
Thomson cross section 6,652458558 E-29 2,7 E-37
triton-electron mag. mom. ratio -1,620514423 E-03 2,1 E-11  
triton-electron mass ratio 5,4969215269 E+03 5,1 E-06  
triton g factor 5,957924896 7,6 E-08  
triton mag. mom. 1,504609361 E-26 4,2 E-34 J T-1
triton mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio 1,622393657 E-03 2,1 E-11  
triton mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio 2,978962448 3,8 E-08  
triton mass 5,00735588 E-27 2,5 E-34 kg
triton mass energy equivalent 4,50038703 E-10 2,2 E-17 J
triton mass energy equivalent in MeV 2,808920906 E+03 7,0 E-05 MeV
triton mass in u 3,0155007134 2,5 E-09 u
triton molar mass 3,0155007134 E-03 2,5 E-12 kg mol-1
triton-neutron mag. mom. ratio -1,55718553 3,7 E-07  
triton-proton mag. mom. ratio 1,066639908 1,0 E-08  
triton-proton mass ratio 2,9937170309 2,5 E-09  
unified atomic mass unit 1,660538782 E-27 8,3 E-35 kg
von Klitzing constant 2,5812807557 E+04 1,8 E-05 ohm
weak mixing angle 2,2255 E-01 5,6 E-04  
Wien frequency displacement law constant 5,878933 E+10 1,0 E+05 Hz K-1
Wien wavelength displacement law constant 2,8977685 E-03 5,1 E-09 m K