Home Reference Manual Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing ISO PN 20-50-100 standard
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Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing ISO PN 20-50-100 standard PDF Print E-mail
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Dimensions of large male-female and small tongue and groove flange facing ISO PN 20-50-100 standard


DN d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 f1 f2
15 35,0 36,5 35,0 36,5 25,5 24,4 46 44,0 7 5
20 43,0 44,5 43,0 44,5 33,5 32,0 54 52,0 7 5
25 51,0 52,5 48,0 49,5 38,0 36,5 62 57,0 7 5
32 63,5 65,0 57,0 58,5 47,5 46,0 73 67,0 7 5
40 73,0 74,5 63,5 65,0 54,0 52,5 84 73,0 7 5
50 92,0 93,5 82,5 84,0 73,0 71,5 103 92,0 7 5
65 105,0 106,5 95,5 97,0 85,5 84,0 116 105,0 7 5
80 127,0 128,5 117,5 119,0 108,0 106,5 138 127,0 7 5
100 157,5 159,0 144,5 146,0 132,0 130,5 168 157,5 7 5
125 186,0 187,5 173,0 174,5 160,5 159,0 197 186,0 7 5
150 216,0 217,5 203,5 205,0 190,5 189,0 227 216,0 7 5
200 270,0 271,5 254,0 255,5 238,0 236,5 281 270,0 7 5
250 324,0 325,5 305,0 306,5 286,0 284,5 335 324,0 7 5
300 381,0 382,5 362,0 363,5 343,0 341,5 392 381,0 7 5
350 413,0 414,5 394,0 395,5 374,5 373,0 424 413,0 7 5
400 470,0 471,5 447,5 449,0 425,5 424,0 481 470,0 7 5
450 533,5 535,0 511,5 513,0 489,0 487,5 544 533,5 7 5
500 584,5 586,0 559,0 560,5 533,5 532,0 595 584,5 7 5
600 692,5 694,0 667,0 668,5 641,5 640,0 703,5 692,5 7 5
Notes: * For dimensions C click on link of relevant size of DN column.